@ARTICLE{Łukaszuk_Leonard_Pomoc_2007, author={Łukaszuk, Leonard}, number={No XXIII}, pages={9-28}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The author first analyzes in detail the range and form of normalizations of scientific-technical issues in the new maritime law known as the UN Convention of Montego Bay of 1982. A substantial impetus for the compromise solutions taken in this convention was the divergence of priorities between highly-developed and developing countries that occurred at the III Maritime Law Conference. In the second section of the article, the author discusses and comments on issues of the protection of rights to industrial property according to the principles of the TRIPS accords determined at the Marrakesh round of the GATT-WTO. In his analysis, the author also takes into consideration selected aspects of European Union legislation, the modernizing licensing of transfer technology, and EU policy that supports marine research and the exploitation of the so-called "deep resources”. Thus, the article presents and emphasizes new aspects of maritime scientific-technical cooperation and transfer technology which had yet to be analyzed from this aspect in the Polish legal literature regarding maritime law.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Pomoc naukowo-techniczna oraz rozwijanie i transfer technologii morskich według Konwencji NZ o prawie morza z 1982 r. i innych regulacji}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/114217/PDF-MASTER/document%20-%202019-10-02T130557.667.pdf}, }