@ARTICLE{Mędelska_Jolanta_Wertując_2019, author={Mędelska, Jolanta}, volume={vol. LXVIII}, number={No 4}, pages={699-719}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The author studied 40 pages (letters Д–Ж) of the Dokładny słownik rosyjsko-polski, written by the Ukrainian-born Russian P. Dubrowski and published in Warsaw in 1877. After a brief profile of the now nearly forgotten lexiographer, the author adds a few additional questions to the known critical remarks about the topic of study and discusses – in the context of the state of Polish language generally and of the Kresy in the nineteenth century – interesting findings refl ected in this dictionary in the areas of spelling, phonetics, flexion, syntax and lexis. She found that the Polish language presented in this Russian-English dictionary rather faithfully reflects the nineteenth-century instability of norms at all levels of the language, so that non-native speakers of the language were more inclined to choose recessive over expansive variants, occasionally those supported by analogous forms in Russian. In the author’s view, the prospect of a comprehensive, systematic exploration of this source is promising, especially regarding the possibility of extracting peculiar lexis from it, in particular so-called lexical agnonyms.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Wertując słownik rosyjsko-polski Piotra Dubrowskiego. (Uwagi o XIX-wiecznym warsztacie leksykograficznym i o wizerunku ówczesnej polszczyzny)}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/114561/PDF/SO%204-19%209M%C4%99delska.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2019.131157}, keywords={nineteenth-century translation lexicography, Russian-Polish dictionary, nineteenth-century Polish langauge}, }