@ARTICLE{Robl_J._Analysis_2020, author={Robl, J. and Sedlák, J. and Pokorný, Z. and Ňuksa, P. and Barényi, I. and Majerík, J.}, volume={68}, number={No. 1}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, pages={109-118}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, abstract={The paper deals with analysis of samples made of Inconel 718 nickel superalloy, produced using direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), known as “sintering”, and precision casting technologies. The theoretical part is focused on the characteristics of producing samples of the nickel superalloy by modern additive methods (those for processing metallic materials) and by the conventional technology of precision casting. The practical part involves the investigation of the mechanical properties and texture of the surfaces of the tested samples. A significant part of this study is devoted to analysis of fracture surfaces and EDX experimental testing of TEM lamella by using of electron microscopy methods. The conclusions of this paper include a discussion, evaluation and explanation of both technologies applied on tested samples. Finally, the main benefits of using modern additive technologies in the design and production of heat-resistant components of turbochargers are discussed.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Analysis of advanced additive technology in direct metal laser sintering and precision casting method}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/115169/PDF-MASTER/10_109-118_01317_Bpast.No.68-1_28.02.20_KA_OK.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2020.131842}, keywords={test samples, additive technology, DMLS method, precision casting, Inconel 718}, }