@ARTICLE{Koczegarow_Kirył_Letters_2019, author={Koczegarow, Kirył}, volume={tom 36}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={53-70}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, abstract={During the Russian-Polish negotiations at the end of 1671 – the beginning of 1672, several Russian memorandums were handed over to Polish-Lithuanian diplomats. All these original documents are preserved in the Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik, Poland, and are studied as some of the most important forms of diplomatic communications between the Muscovite State and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The memorandums clearly reveal the Muscovite diplomatic tactic against the Polish-Lithuanian side. They focus on the main problems of Russian- Polish relationships such as the transfer of Kiev from Russia to Poland (which had to be fulfilled in 1669 but which has never been executed), the policy towards the right-bank Ukraine hetman Piotr Doroshenko, who pledged his allegiance to the Ottoman sultan, the attack of the left-bank Ukrainian Cossacks (who were under the Thar’s rule) on the Lithuanian borderlands, and the implementing of the previous Russian-Polish anti-Ottoman treaty of 1667. It can be supposed also that the diplomatic form of the memorandum itself was borrowed by the Russian Foreign Office from the Polish-Lithuanian diplomatic tradition.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Letters of Russian diplomats to Polish/Lithuanian envoys in 1671–1672 as a form of diplomatic negotiations}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/117913/PDF-MASTER/2_Koczegarow.pdf}, keywords={Muscovite Russia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1667 Treaty of Andrusovo, 17th century Russian-Polish relations, Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin (1605–1680), Cyprian Paweł Brzostowski (d.1689)}, }