@ARTICLE{Urbańska_Sylwia_Assessing_2018, author={Urbańska, Sylwia}, volume={Vol. 7}, number={No 2}, journal={Central and Eastern European Migration Review}, pages={111-124}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk, Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW}, abstract={In this article I discuss the need for more systematic integration of approaches dealing with religious beliefs and practices into the discussion about sources and areas of gender social changes that occur in global migration. Firstly, starting from the discussion about negative representations of religiosity in contemporary debates, I consider from theoretical and methodological perspectives why we should move the religious dimension from the margins more to the centre of analysis. Secondly, basing on an exploratory review of empirical research about intersections of religion and gender in the lives of in-ternational migrants, I discuss findings that reveal about religion as a potential mediator in the gen-dered revolution. I answer how they help to understand the complexities and ambivalences of social changes and identify the areas they concern. I argue that the revolutionary potential that arises at the intersection of migration, gender and religion is not limited to changing gender orders in religious organisations. It is religious beliefs themselves that influence migrants’ everyday lives and challenge the existing gendered contract in lay areas, in work relations, civic and political participation.}, type={Article}, title={Assessing the Significance of Religion in Gender and Migration Studies: New Avenues for Scholarly Inquiry}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/117994/PDF/Urbanska_Assessing_the_Significance_of_Religion.pdf}, keywords={global migration, religion, gender, social changes, empowerment}, }