@ARTICLE{Łącka-Badura_Jolanta_Marketing-type_2015, author={Łącka-Badura, Jolanta}, volume={vol. 36}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={275-294}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={The present paper aims to discuss recruitment advertising as a promotional genre, as well as to investigate its rhetorical structure and provide a tentative comparison between job ads and the central promotional genre, i.e. marketing-type (or ‘mainstream’) advertising. Based on an analysis of a corpus comprising 400 online job advertisements, the study discusses the communicative purposes of the genre (juxtaposed with the general goals of promotional genres), and attempts to identify and describe the prevalent structural patterns found in the sample. It also offers a rough comparison between job ads and prototypical/marketing-type advertisements in terms of the rhetorical structure and other defi ning characteristics, following Bhatia (2004, 2005) and Cook (2001). The analysis confi rms numerous similarities between job advertising and the central promotional genre, yet it also identifi es major differences, particularly those pertaining to the communicative goals, structural elements (company identifi cation, targeting the market, justifying the ‘product’, offering benefits/incentives, making use of testimonials and pressure tactics), as well as other significant features including the level of ‘artistry’, the number of voices involved, generic stability, provoking controversy, being parasitic upon other genres, occupying the space at the centre/periphery of attention.}, type={Article}, title={Marketing-type and recruitment advertising: a comparison of two genres}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/118292/PDF-MASTER/16_Lacka.pdf}, }