@ARTICLE{Przygoński_Krzysztof_English_2014, author={Przygoński, Krzysztof}, volume={vol. 35}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={243-252}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={There seems to be considerable confusion and conceptual ambiguity in the discourse on English in the global context caused by a plethora of various names referring to English and its role and functioning in the present day world. The emergence of nomenclatural richness may be indicative not only of the maturity of a given field and the development of comprehensive conceptual frameworks, but it may also point to inconsiderate (often causing disarray) search for style variants or a lack of uniformity among scholars as to a given subject matter. In the discourse on the English language, further ambiguity, especially for students, may be caused by disparate understandings of the same concepts on the part of various language scholars. What follows is a brief overview and discussion of the most popular terms used in the literature on the subject of English in the world.}, type={Article}, title={English by other names: a lesson of survival in the jungle of concepts and misconceptions}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/118312/PDF/13_Przygonski.pdf}, }