@ARTICLE{Podsiadły_Adam_Janina_2020, author={Podsiadły, Adam}, volume={tom 37}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={145-162}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, abstract={The paper presents the figure of the archivist Janina Kozłowska-Studnicka. In 1914–1920, she was connected with the archives in Vilnius. Subsequently, in 1921, she was appointed the manager of the archives in Grodno – a function she very successfully fulfilled until the outbreak of the Second World War. At the beginning of the occupation, Janina Kozłowska-Studnicka was relocated deep into the USSR and returned to Poland in 1946. She connected the last period of her life with the Kórnik Library, devoting herself to the ordering and cataloguing of its collection of manuscripts.}, type={Artykuł biograficzny / Biographical article}, title={Janina Kozłowska-Studnicka – an archivist in Vilnius, Grodno and Kórnik}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/119330/PDF-MASTER/11_PBK_2020-13_Podsiadly.pdf}, keywords={Janina Kozłowska-Studnicka, archives in Grodno, archives in Vilnius}, }