@ARTICLE{Jennings_Susanne_Caroline_Rose_Face_2020, author={Jennings, Susanne Caroline Rose}, volume={Tom 15}, pages={179-191}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={The late Trappist monk and prolific author, Thomas Merton, was intensely concerned with the self – or to be more precise, with the desire to break free from the tyranny of the self he took to be his identity. His early years in France and England were marked by a sense of loss and dislocation. After leaving Cambridge for Columbia, his subsequent life in America and decision to be baptised a Catholic at the age of 23 eventually led to his taking vows as a Cistercian monk. On taking the name Frater Louis, the ‘world’ with all its temptations and unresolved issues had been left safely behind along with his old identity. Or so he thought. In fact, Merton’s years as a Trappist led to a best-selling autobiography written under obedience to his abbot and many more books to follow. Compared at the time of its publication to St Augustine’s Confessions, the autobiography led to his international renown as Thomas Merton. He voiced his disquiet over what he called ‘this shadow, this double, this writer who […] followed me into the cloister … I cannot lose him.’ In time, Merton came to the realisation – through the lived experience and voracious reading of the Bible, St Augustine, the mystics, the individuation process propounded by Jung, Zen Buddhism and others – that the ‘self’ he was trying to escape was, in fact, largely a ‘false’ self driven by the ego. This paper traces Merton’s journey from that self to the authentic self which is found in God, and in transcendence. Obsession with ‘the self’ as understood in the 21st century makes the study of Merton’s path to selfhood much more vital. The advent of the ‘Selfie’, the self-promotion that social media afford and the examples of narcissistic individuals in positions of power give the lie to the lives in which self-consciousness is confused with self-realisation. Nothing, as Merton discovered, could be further from the truth.}, type={Article}, title={Face to face: the growth of the self in Thomas Merton}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/119344/PDF/09_Jennings.pdf}, doi={10.31743/snt.8530}, keywords={self identity, reality, illusion, Monasticism Christianity, Zen, Buddhism, Jungian Psychology}, }