@ARTICLE{Prokopenko_Olha_Improving_2021, author={Prokopenko, Olha and Chechel, Anna and Sotnyk, Iryna and Omelyanenko, Vitaliy and Kurbatova, Tetiana and Nych, Tetiana}, volume={vol. 24}, number={No 1}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={85-100}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The world prefers to increase energy efficiency and use energy from renewable and alternative sources. Ukraine has chosen the same path. To form recommendations for improving state support schemes for the sustainable development of renewable energy, the authors conducted a thorough analysis of the state of renewable energy in Ukraine and its legislative support. The advantage of the study is the visual presentation of data. Thus, the authors presented and analyzed which energy sources Ukraine uses for its own needs, the essence of the Ukrainian energy balance and its state in 2019. The authors found that the development of renewable energy is one of the “Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine”, which are based on the world. The authors noted the objectives and indicators of the goal, assessed the value of the indicators and found that, even though the goal is one of the most important goals because it is in third place in the number of amendments to existing regulations, there is a lag in plans and more lag on some additional tasks. The authors systematized the legal basis for the functioning of renewable energy and revealed this process’ subject-object relations. The analysis showed that the improvement of state support schemes for the sustainable development of renewable energy should be based on European norms and standards but consider national specifics. The authors proposed and described the principles of improving state support for the sustainable development of renewable energy, which should be based on ensuring the balance of interests of the three main stakeholders of the renewable energy market: the state, energy consumers and investors.}, type={Article}, title={Improving state support schemes for the sustainable development of renewable energy in Ukraine}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/119549/PDF-MASTER/05-Prokopenko-i-inni.pdf}, keywords={energy, energy balance indicators, renewable energy, state support, sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals}, }