@ARTICLE{Shevchuk_Volodymyr_Monitoring_2021, author={Shevchuk, Volodymyr and Burshtynska, Khrystyna and Korolik, Iryna and Halochkin, Maksym}, number={No 49}, pages={1-15}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The article discusses the monitoring of horizontal displacements of the channel of Dniester, the second largest river in Ukraine, based on topographic maps, satellite images, as well as geological, soil and quaternary sediment maps. Data pro-cessing has been carried out using the geographic information system ArcGIS. The monitoring over a 140-year period (1874–2015) has been performed at the river’s transition from a mountainous to plain terrain on the 67 km section of the river. During this period, maximum displacements in the study area were 590–620 m. The research examines water protection zones needed for channel displacements. The article describes the monitoring methodology and analyses changes over a pe-riod of 18 years (2000–2018). The analysis includes the anthropogenic influence on the channel in the monitoring area. Results of the research may be useful for construction and cadastral works related to the channel in the area concerned, as well as for water management.}, type={Article}, title={Monitoring of horizontal displacements and changes of the riverine area of the Dniester River}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/119687/1%20Szewczuk%20et%20al%20747.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2021.137091}, keywords={channel processes, Dniester River, monitoring, riverbed displacements, riverine areas, satellite images, super-vised classification, topographic maps}, }