@ARTICLE{Tarka_Krzysztof_Polish_2021, author={Tarka, Krzysztof}, volume={t. 24}, number={No 3}, journal={Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej}, pages={47-64}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie Komisja Prasoznawcza}, publisher={Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie}, abstract={During World War II a group of Polish exiles from the prewar Piłsudski faction issued at irregular intervals a bulletin called Letters from London. It published articles criticizing the Prime Minister in Exile General Wła-dysław Sikorski, and more vehemently, his successor Stanisław Mikołajczyk, for bowing down British and American pressure and making unacceptable conces-sions to the Soviet Union.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Polish exiles from the prewar Piłsudski faction and the Polish Government in Exile during World War II: The factionalist “Letters from London” (1942–1945)}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120561/2021-03-RHPP-03-Tarka.pdf}, doi={10.24425/rhpp.2021.137743}, keywords={Polish press in the United Kingdom during World War II, Polish political exiles in the United Kingdom, the Piłsudski faction, 'Letters from London', Władysław Sikorski (1881–1943), Stanisław Mikołajczyk (1901–1966)}, }