@ARTICLE{Zaborski_Marcin_“The_2021, author={Zaborski, Marcin}, volume={t. 24}, number={No 3}, journal={Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej}, pages={65-88}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie Komisja Prasoznawcza}, publisher={Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie}, abstract={This article reconstructs the vision of World War II in the 1945–1946 issues of the children’s weekly Świerszczyk. The looks for answers to the following questions: How did the authors of the Świerszczyk texts build the narrative of the war that had just ended? In what way did they bring to the attention of their readers the victims of the war and the war heroes, and in what terms did they describe their victimhood and heroism respectively?}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={“The wicked witch in iron shoes”: The representation of the war in the children's weekly “Świerszczyk” in 1945–1946}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120562/2021-03-RHPP-04-Zaborski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/rhpp.2021.137744}, keywords={Polish press in the 20th century, World War II narrative, victims and heroes, children’s magazines}, }