@ARTICLE{Adamczak_Wojciech_Salvage_2003, author={Adamczak, Wojciech}, number={No XVIII}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={25-36}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The new Maritime Code of2001 contains regulations governing salvage at sea, in Title VJ (Agreements), in Section V/11 (Salvage at Sea), and in Articles 231-249. The content of these regulations is in accord with the decisions of the London Convention of 1989, which came into force on 14 July 1996, and which has not yet been ratified by Poland. The basic changes introduced by the new Maritime Code in relation to salvage at sea have to do with a substantive extension of the object of salvage and with a consideration of the need to protect the natural environment. In accordance with Article 231 of the Maritime Code, salvage at sea involves giving help to a vessel that is in danger in any waters whatsoever, and salvaging property aboard the vessel or originating in it. It also involves salvaging any other property on the sea and not connected permanently and deliberately to the shore. The essence of the change introduced by the new Maritime Code has to do with recognizing as salvaged property any property on the sea, and not just a vessel or property aboard or originating from such a vessel. The author concentrates on comparing the regulations relating to salvage based on the Bruss ells Convention of 191 O and on the new convention SALVAGE 89.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Salvage at Sea in the Light of the Regulations of the Maritime Code of 2001}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120602/PDF-MASTER/2_PM_XVIII_Adamczak_Ratownictwo.pdf}, }