@ARTICLE{Brodecki_Zdzisław_The_2001, author={Brodecki, Zdzisław}, number={No XVI}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={5-12}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The author analyzes the transport policies of the European Union. Section V, part lII of the European Union Treaty (articles 70-80) defines the responsibilities ofmember states in terms of introducing a common transport policy. The regulations of this section mainly apply to rail, road, and internal waterway transport. The regulations of section VI, part III of the European Union Treaty (articles 81-97) are addressed to all states in the world whose economic activities distort or threaten to distort competition in the European Union. The establishment and development of a transeuropean transport, telecommunications, and energy network (articles 154-156) constitute the central element in an economic zone without internal borders. The contemporary economy is a result of two trends: a process of globalization and a process of regionalization. The principle of subsiduarity plays a major role in the process of regionalization. It filters through to the idea of the ,,Europe of Regions." In essence, states transfer their responsibilities and authority via the Union to regions. The Union only retains those responsibilities and authority that are essential to its functioning. Remaining rights should be transferred downwards, to the level ,,as near as possible to the citizen." The Union implements the principle of the decentralization of power. Matters connected with the financing of the traditional sector of the maritime economy will depend on the appropriate formulation of the ,,voivodeship contracts" that will soon be concluded by the Council ofMinisters and voivodeship assemblies. The assemblies will have the most influence on the way in which European Union structural funds can be used.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Transport Policies of the European Union}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120682/PDF-MASTER/1_PM_XVI_Brodecki_Polityka.pdf}, }