@ARTICLE{Koziński_Mirosław_H._Maritime_2000, author={Koziński, Mirosław H.}, number={No XIV}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={7-19}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The author deals with changes in current maritime law, changes that stem from, inter alia, the expansion and diversification of the law. New emerging forms ofuse of the sea have led to an increase in the number of entities subject to this branch of the law. On the other hand, the importance of public-legal normalisations continues to grow. Thus, one cannot continue to understand the law of the sea within the traditional formulation of its being the civil-law regulation of maritime shipping. This article proposes that a new branch of maritime law be formulated within maritime law in a broad sense - that is, maritime economic law. As maritime economie law we should understand that part ofmaritime and general legal regulations which apply to maritime trade, broadly understood. Such law must be understood not just in a public legal sense, but also in a private legal sense, and, indeed, in terms of the interaction of both types ofregulation. In practice, it is linked to the relation between maritime economic law and economic law and international economic law. In a further part of the essay, the author presents the range of objects and subjects ofmaritime economic law. Research topics within this branch ofmaritime law should include: the exploitation of the natural resources of the sea; international maritime trade; national and international forms of shaping the shipping market; port-sea trade; and ship building and construction at sea. EC Shipping Law could be the model for economic regulations in maritime law. Maritime economic law, in the author's opinion, should be an instrument of implementing the maritime policies of the state.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Maritime economic law}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120704/PDF-MASTER/2_PM_XIV_Kozinski_Morskie.pdf}, }