@ARTICLE{Goliński_Jerzy_Professor_2000, author={Goliński, Jerzy}, number={No XIII}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={73-77}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The author presents Professor LeonardŁukaszuk's position on the problems ofPoland's maritime policy. He discusses the dispute between the People's Republic of Poland and the German Democratic Republic over the delimitation of territorial waters in the Gulf of Pomerania - a dispute which arose between 1988 and 1989 and in which Professor Łukaszuk played a role. Professor Łukaszuk's principal area of interest, which he has presented in Maritime Assemblies, is the issue of the development of international co-operation between Poland and the countries of the Baltic region. All Professor Łukaszuk's papers, although based on scholarly-legal argumentation, have always also had a political dimension. Taking as his basis the position that Poland has a right to ,,husbandry of the sea", Professor Łukaszuk has always involved himself fully wherever Polish rights and interests have been threatened.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Professor Leonard Łukaszuk on the Problems ofthe Poland's Maritime Policy}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120723/PDF-MASTER/11_PM_XIII_Golinski_Profesor.pdf}, }