@ARTICLE{Koziński_Mirosław_H._Wybrane_2000, author={Koziński, Mirosław H.}, number={No XIII}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={79-94}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={This article discusses a wide range oflegal consequences connected with the ratification in 1998 by the Republic ofPoland oftheUNConvention on the law ofthe sea. In particular, it notes compliance with the demands of the Convention relating to the innocent passage ofwarships, including submarines, and the introduction of limitations on the movements of sea-going vessels of special kinds within Polish territorial waters. The completion of normalisations permitting the signalisation of the lack of effective flag state jurisdiction over foreign vessels is seen as being appropriate. The author's basic legislative postulate is the introduction - in line with article 33 of the Convention - within Polish waters of a contiguous zone. This would permit the effective protection of the interests of the Republic of Poland in the area of customs, taxation, immigration and health regulations. A subsequent part of the article discusses the necessity of bringing Polish regulations concerning scientific maritime research into line with the Convention. This would be in the areas of so-called presumed permission for research, of legal regulations in the area ofthe definition ofpiracy, ofthe criminal nature ofillegal radio and television transmissions on the open sea, and of administrative regulations relating to the awarding of captain's certificates and of certificates of qualification. The author suggests that there will be a growth of interest in the regulations of the Convention as they apply to private law. He points to a range of normalisations, among others, in the area of civil liability - including the civil liability of subjects under international law. The author stresses the difficulties ofadapting civil law solutions within the framework of international relations. He does this via the example of so-called statewarranty, which is anticipated in the Convention. Finally several aspects of the right of transit of inland states are analysed, as are legal issues connected with the detention of vessels by maritime states. In conclusion the author argues that a relatively small number of changes in Polish legislation would permit the better implementation of the Montego Bay Convention.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Wybrane problemy prawne związane z ratyfikacją przez Rzeczpospolitą Polską Konwencji o prawie morza}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120724/PDF-MASTER/12_PM_XIII_Kozinski_Wybrane.pdf}, }