@ARTICLE{Grzyb_Małgorzata_The_2006, author={Grzyb, Małgorzata and Kryński, Jan and Mank, Magdalena}, volume={vol. 55}, number={No 1}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={23-46}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={Modelling quasigeoid with centimetre accuracy requires taking into account irregularities of topography in the vicinity of a gravity station. i.e. the terrain correction w surveyed gravity. Accuracy of determination of the terrain correction affects quality of quasi geoid model determined. It depends on the resolution and accuracy of terrain data that usually is provided in the form of a digital terrain model DTM. Investigations were conducted with the use of the Digital Terrain Elevation Data - DTED2 model developed for Poland according to the NATO-STANAG 3809 standard, as well as global models SRTM3 and SRTM30 (The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission). Also height data from the gravity database was considered. The prism method of determination of terrain corrections was applied in majority of numerical tests. Practical method for determining the optimum radius of the integration cap considering roughness of topography as well as required accuracy of terrain corrections was developed. The effect of vertical and horizontal uncertainty of a DTM as well as its resolution on the quality of the terrain corrections was investigated. The terrain corrections obtained using a prism method were also compared with the respective ones calculated using the FIT approach. The usefulness of the available topography data for precise terrain correction computation in Poland was discussed. The results of the investigations were used to determining the strategy of computation of the terrain corrections to point gravity data in the gravity database for Poland. The "2005" terrain correction set calculated for I 078 046 gravity stations contributes to the increase of precision of gravimetric quasigeoid models developed for Poland.}, type={Article}, title={The effect of topography and quality of a digital terrain model on the accuracy of terrain corrections for centimetre quasigeoid modelling}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121272/PDF-MASTER/4_GK_VOL_55_NO_1_2006_Grzyb_Ocena.pdf}, keywords={terrain correction, digital terrain model, DTED, SRTM, prism method, FFT, quasigeoid}, }