@ARTICLE{Gocal_Jan_Processing_2006, author={Gocal, Jan and Ortyl, Łukasz and Sołtys, Marian}, volume={vol. 55}, number={No 1}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={47-56}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={The radar method, executed with the use of ground penetrating radars - the georadars, belongs to non-intrusive methods of positioning subsurface structures and objects. The direct result of the survey is the so-called radargram - a radar image, that is a vertical cross-section of the penetrated medium. It brings an information on the existence and mutual position of ground layers and subsurface structures and objects. The radargram, as the direct result of measurement, demands further processing for its interpretation and use. The consecutive steps leading from a non-metric radargram to the metric 3D model, based on corresponding surveying and georadar data are presented. The paper concentrates on the problem of broadening the scope of interpretation and applications of georadar surveys thanks to proper integration of advanced filtering programs, graphical software and programs from the CAD and SIT environment. The aim of the integration is a metric 3D model of subsurface objects and structures located with the georadar method. The ways and stages of generation of the spatial subsurface models, presented in the paper, complement surveying sources of data for thematic maps.}, type={Article}, title={Processing of images recorded by the radar method, aimed at construction of metric 3D models of subsurface objects and structures}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121273/PDF/5_GK_VOL_55_NO_1_2006_Gocal_Przetwarzanie.pdf}, keywords={Georadar, radargram, 3D models of subsurface objects and structures}, }