@ARTICLE{Kryński_Jan_Study_2005, author={Kryński, Jan and Łyszkowicz, Adam}, volume={vol. 54}, number={No 1}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={17-36}, howpublished={online}, year={2005}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={The choice of global geopotential model used in remove-restore technique for determination of regional quasi geoid from gravity data may affect the solution, in particular when the accuracy is supposed to reach a centimetre level. Global geopotential model plays also an important role in validating height anomalies at GPS/levelling sites that are used for the estimation of the external accuracy of quasigeoid models. Six different global geopotential models are described in the paper. Three kinds of numerical tests with use of terrestrial gravity data and GPS/levelling height anomalies were conducted. The first one concerned comparison of height anomalies at GPS/levelling sites ia Poland with corresponding ones computed from various global geopotential models. In the second one the terrestrial gravity anomalies in Poland and neighbouring countries were compared with corresponding gravity anomalies computed from global geopotential models. Finally the quasigeoid models obtained from gravity data with use of different global geopotential models were verified against corresponding height anomalies at GPS/levelliag sites in Poland. Data quality was discussed and best fitting global geopotential model in Poland was specified.}, type={Article}, title={Study on choice of global geopotential model for quasigeoid determination in Poland}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121284/PDF-MASTER/4_GK_VOL_54_NO_1_2005_Krynski_Analiza.pdf}, keywords={quasigeoid, geopotential model, height anomaly, Stokes' integral}, }