@ARTICLE{Bajracharya_Sujan_Density_2005, author={Bajracharya, Sujan and Sideris, Michael G.}, volume={vol. 54}, number={No 2}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={51-68}, howpublished={online}, year={2005}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={The main theme of this paper is to study two important aspects of precise geoid determination using Helrnerts second method of condensation. This work illustrates via numerical investigations the importance of using actual density information of topographical bulk and the effects that different gravimetric reductions have on gravity interpolation in Helmert geoid computational process, in addition to the commonly used Bouguer scheme. A rugged area in the Canadian Rockies bounded by latitude between 49°N and 54°N and longitude between 236°E and 246°E is selected to carry out numerical investigations. The lateral density information is used in all steps of the Helmert geoid computational process. The Bouguer and residual terrain modelling (RTM) topographic reductions, the Rudzki inversion scheme, and the topographic-isostatic reductions of Pratt-Hayford (PH) and Airy-Heiskanen (AH) are used for gravity interpolation. Results show that the density information should be applied in all steps of the Helmert geoid computational process and that the topographic-isostatic gravimetric reduction schemes like the PH or AH models or the RTM reduction, should be applied for smooth gravity interpolation instead of the commonly used Bouguer reduction scheme for precise Helmert geoid determination.}, type={Article}, title={Density and Gravity Interpolation Effects on Helmert Geoid Determination}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121286/PDF/3_GK_VOL_54_NO_2_2005_Bajrachayra_Efekty.pdf}, keywords={geoid, gravity interpolation, actual density, terrain reduction}, }