@ARTICLE{Mazurek_Mariusz_Czesław_2021, author={Mazurek, Mariusz}, volume={Tom 9}, number={Część 1}, journal={Filozofia i Nauka}, pages={357-376}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN}, publisher={Instytut filozofii UMCS}, abstract={In the first part of the article, I reconstruct the philosophical thoughts of Czesław Białobrzeski, a Polish philosophizing physicist. In the second part, I outline his biography and contribution to the development of physics. Philosophical reflections of Białobrzeski formed based on the leading issues in physics of the late 19th and mainly 20th century. He carried out his considerations in close connection to his scientific practice. The activity of the Polish scientist takes place in the formation and development period of quantum mechanics. Białobrzeski, similarly to many other physicists of the time, was well aware of the necessity of coherent explanation of the fundamentally new phenomena of the quantum mechanics. His take on the subject is rather original—he referred to the classical, philosophical theory of categories and proposed its ontological interpretation.}, type={Artykuł biograficzny / Biographical article}, title={Czesław Białobrzeski - Physicist and Philosopher}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121465/PDF/20_FiN%209%20cz.%201-2021_Mazurek.pdf}, keywords={Czesław Białobrzeski, philosophy of nature, philosophy of physics, ontology, causality, potentiality}, }