@ARTICLE{Luong_Chinh_Ke_A_2001, author={Luong, Chinh Ke}, volume={vol. 50}, number={No 1}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={31-44}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={One of the basic processes in photogrammetry consists of identification and measurements of conjugate (homologous) points located within image overlapping. In analytical photogrammetry this process is solved manually by an observer. In digital photogrammetry this process is solved automatically by software and it is called image matching. This process has considerable importance for automation of orientation or aerial triangulation of photographs. The accuracy of image matching process influences the accuracy of determination of image orientation elements and computed point coordinates. This article presents the author's idea concerning matching of digital images with regard to correlation between neighbouring pixels. First, the problem of correlation between point co-ordinates will be examined in analytical photogrammetry, what will simplify considerations related to digital photo gram metry.}, type={Article}, title={A concept of solution of correlative observations in photogrammetry}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121602/PDF/5_GK_TOM_L_ZESZYT_1_2001_Chinh_Ke_Koncepcja.pdf}, }