@ARTICLE{Prószyński_Witold_On_2000, author={Prószyński, Witold}, volume={vol. 49}, number={No 2}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={91-106}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={This paper presents an analysis of the space, known in the theory of reliability, of observational gross errors or blunders absolutely undetectable in the least-squares estimation process in linear Gauss-Markov models. The analysis is based on a general relationship linking the observational disturbances and a model response. Although the definition of this space is identical with that given by [l] it is arrived at in a slightly different way. Several properties of this space are formulated, one of them showing its connection with the reliability level of a model with uncorrelated observations. Although the linearized models are included in the theory, the approach applied to them, being basically a simple extension of that proposed for linear models, can not be considered as a complete proposal for practical purposes. The theory is illustrated with examples taken from engineering surveys.}, type={Article}, title={On the space of imperceptible observational errors in linear Gauss-Markov models with examples taken from engineering surveys}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121696/PDF-MASTER/5_GK_TOM_XLIX_ZESZYT_2_2000_Proszynski_O_przestrzeni.pdf}, }