@ARTICLE{Romanowski_Andrzej_Roman_2021, author={Romanowski, Andrzej}, volume={Rok LXV}, pages={15-76}, journal={Wiadomości Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={In the first centuries after Christ, the Indian subcontinent entered the orbit of the Roman state’s trade interests. The subject of the exchange was a number of goods, including Roman coins. Their influx is documented by numerous finds as well as by ancient authors. One of the territories where we register quite a large number of Roman coin finds is the area of early historical Andhra. The specimens discovered here are found in various contexts, indicating their various applications. The hoards of silver and gold coins allow the observation of successive waves of the influx of Roman money, which is also confirmed by the finds of other categories – stray and settlement. The internal differentiation of the latter also allowed to define their mutual relations and tendencies in circulation. Observations of numismatic material and analysis of sources indicate that Roman coins could have had the function of a medium of exchange or payment in Andhra or, more broadly, India, but also played a bullion and prestigious role. The time of the influx of Roman money indicates that it was associated primarily with the period of the Satavahana Empire in Andhra. The essentially small number of registered Roman coins in relation to the territory and its role in trade indicates that the coins were only one, perhaps not a key element of Indo-Roman trade.}, type={Article}, title={Roman Coins in Andhra in the Early Historical Period}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/122229/PDF-MASTER/2021-WNUM-02-Romanowski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/wn.2021.138448}, keywords={Roman coins finds, early historic Andhra, India, Indo-Roman trade, Roman coins function}, }