@ARTICLE{Tainio_Marko_Impact_2010, author={Tainio, Marko and Kukkonen, Jaakko and Nahorski, Zbigniew}, volume={vol. 36}, number={No 1}, pages={95-115}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2010}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Fine particulate matter ( PM) air pollution is one of the main environmental health problems in developed countries. According to modeling estimates the PM,, concentrations in Poland arc among the highest in Europe. In this article we focus on exposure assessment and estimation of adverse health effects due to PM, air pollution. This art i ck consists of two parts. The first part, we discuss the main methods used to estimate emission-exposure relationships and adverse health effects due to PM, air pollution. In the second part, we present an assessment framwork for Poland. We illustrate this framework by estimating the premature deaths and change in life expectancy in Poland caused by anthropogenic. primary PM,, emissions from different European countries, and, in proportion. the premature deaths in different European countries caused by primary PM,, emissions from Poland. The PM,, emissions were evaluated using the inventory of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). The emission-exposure relationships were based on the previously published study and the exposure-response functions for PM,, air pollution were estimated in expert elicitation study performed lor six European experts on air pollution health effects. Based on the assessment. the anthropogenic primary PM, from the whole or Europe is estimated to cause several thousands of premature deaths in Poland, annually. These premature deaths arc both due to PM, emissions from Poland and transportation of PM,, from other European countries. both of these in almost equal parts. The framework presented in this article will be developed in the near future to a full scale integrated assessment. that takes into account both gaseous and PM air pollution.}, type={Article}, title={Impact of Airborne Particulate Matter on Human Health: An Assessment Framework to Estimate Exposure and Adverse Health Effects in Poland}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/122683/PDF-MASTER/9_ARCHIVES_VOL_36_1_2010_Tainio_Impact.pdf}, keywords={fine particulate matter, PM, exposure classes, integrated assessment, intake fraction, Poland}, }