@ARTICLE{Jingle_Diana_Design_2022, author={Jingle, Diana and Sam, Shylu and Paul, Mano and Jude, Ananth and Selvaraj, Daniel}, volume={vol. 68}, number={No 1}, journal={International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications}, pages={77-82}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications}, abstract={In this paper, we design and analyse the Circuit for Grover’s Quantum Search Algorithm on 2, 3 and 4-qubit systems, in terms of number of gates, representation of state vectors and measurement probability for the state vectors. We designed, examined and simulated the quantum circuit on IBM Q platform using Quantum Programming Studio. We present the theoretical implementation of the search algorithm on different qubit systems. We observe that our circuit design for 2 and 4-qubit systems are precise and do not introduce any error while experiencing a small error to our design of 3-qubit quantum system.}, type={Article}, title={Design of Grover’s Algorithm over 2, 3 and 4-Qubit Systems in Quantum Programming Studio}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/122805/PDF-MASTER/11-3404-Jingle_sk_new.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ijet.2022.139851}, keywords={quantum search, Oracle, Qubit, Hadamard transform, phase shift}, }