@ARTICLE{Soldo_Bozo_Consequences_2010, author={Soldo, Bozo and Mesec, Josip and Zelenika, Mladen}, volume={vol. 36}, number={No 2}, pages={79-89}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2010}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The article deals with the state of utilization and protection of the water· resources in the Mokaśnica river basin (MRB) within the larger Mostarsko Biało catchment area (MRB). The authors present data on the Mostarsko Blato basin, provided through the analyses of the results of earlier research projects dealing with surface and groundwater flows, particularly related to the research carried out in the MR fl. The previous water engineering works in the MRB have been analyzed for effects on the natural environment and the influence of such works on the regime of surface flow and groundwater aquifer geometry. In order to protect the area of the MRB from further devastation, the authors suggest some protective measures and due improvements. A special environmental protection study is necessary lor heller management otthe MRB waters and the natural environrncnt, including the analysis ofthe possibility of losing said water resources due to the implemented engineering interventions.}, type={Article}, title={Consequences of Water Engineering Projects in the Mokaśnica River Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/122829/PDF-MASTER/11_ARCHIVES_VOL_36_2_2010_Soldo_Consequences.pdf}, keywords={Mokaśnica River basin, karst, aquifer, water engineering project, water, environment}, }