@ARTICLE{Kotkowski_Tomasz_Adsorption_2022, author={Kotkowski, Tomasz and Cherbański, Robert and Molga, Eugeniusz}, volume={vol. 43}, number={No 1}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering}, pages={57-80}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={This work investigates adsorption of n-hexane on activated tyre pyrolysis char (ATPC) and granular activated carbon (GAC) as a reference material in a fixed-bed column. Microwave-assisted regeneration is also considered. The adsorbed amount of n-hexane on ATPC is in the range of 37–58 mg/g. Microwave-assisted desorption of ATPC samples enables the recovery of up to 95% of adsorbed n-hexane in this non-optimized microwave setup with the efficiency of microwave energy conversion into heat of only 5–6%. For the 50% breakthrough time, ATPC and GAC are able to purify the n-hexane gas volumes in the ranges of 20–90 and 935–1240 cm3/g, respectively. While adsorption kinetics is not satisfactorily described by pseudo-first and pseudo-second order kinetic models, it is very well reflected by a family of dynamic adsorption models, which are modelled with a single logistic function. Internal diffusion is likely the rate limiting step during adsorption on ATPC, while external and internal diffusion likely plays a role in adsorption to GAC. Although microwave-assisted regeneration is performed in a general purpose microwave reactor, both adsorbents show excellent performance and are very good candidates for the adsorption process. Preliminary results show that magnetite can further reduce microwave energy consumption.}, type={Article}, title={Adsorption of n-hexane on a low-cost adsorbent obtained from waste tyres and its microwave regeneration}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123264/PDF-MASTER/art04_internet.pdf}, doi={10.24425/cpe.2022.140811}, keywords={microwave regeneration, tyre pyrolysis char, granular activated carbon, n-hexane}, }