@ARTICLE{Drebot_Oksana_Analysis_2022, author={Drebot, Oksana and Zubova, Olena and Khant, Halyna and Hurelia, Vitalii and Sknypa, Nadiya}, volume={vol. 71}, number={No 1}, pages={e18}, journal={Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={The purpose of this study is to analyse the use of agricultural land on the territory of united communities and their individual districts of Zhytomyr region as the smallest units of the administrative territorial division of Ukraine. The relevance of this study, due to current changes in national land relations, dictates the need to have information about agricultural lands, their owners, tenants and the lands status for planning agricultural production, the land-leases development, sale of land. The analysis of land use was carried out according to the following indicators: location of land plots of all owners within the community district and the whole community; their area; monetary evaluation; status of documents for each land plot, in particular the availability of lease, land cultivation presence. The initial data of the researches is the data of the state land cadastre database, and data of the real property rights register, both in general access and in need of special access. As a result of the research there were defined areas and location of lands of some landowners, who leased their lands and areas of lands not leased, also there were defined areas of lands, used illegally, without any documents on land use, defined areas of lands, used or owned by agricultural producers (farms, physical persons, legal entities). A cartographic core was created for the purpose of convenient planning of agricultural land use and land management within selected districts on the territory of the community.}, type={Article}, title={Analysis of the agricultural land use in Ukraine on the example of the united community}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123266/PDF/e18.pdf}, doi={10.24425/gac.2022.141171}, keywords={land planning, agricultural land, land cadastre, agricultural mapping, land organisation}, }