@ARTICLE{Ciesielczuk_Tomasz_Impact_2006, author={Ciesielczuk, Tomasz and Czerniawska-Kusza, Izabela}, volume={No 3}, pages={41-54}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Silicon, an important clement for diatoms, is often beyond the main object of freshwater researches. In the last decade, many detergents containing silicon compounds have been released by municipal sewage to surface water ecosystems. In this paper, an influence of silicates and washing agents which contain silicates on algal primary production and biomass growth has been shown. The experimental analysis revealed that detergents with the silicate addition increased the rate of the biomass growth and had a direct impact on algal primary production.}, type={Article}, title={Impact of Silicates and Detergents on Primary Production and Total Biomass of Algae in a Short-term Laboratory Experiment}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123384/PDF/6_AE_VOL_32_3_2006_Ciesielczuk_Impact.pdf}, keywords={silicates, detergents, algal biomass, primary production}, }