@ARTICLE{Singh_Moon_Inder_Transition_2022, author={Singh, Moon Inder and Singh, Mandeep}, volume={vol. 29}, number={No 2}, journal={Metrology and Measurement Systems}, pages={405-423}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation}, abstract={The cognitive aspects like perception, problem-solving, thinking, task performance, etc., are immensely influenced by emotions making it necessary to study emotions. The best state of emotion is the positive unexcited state, also known as the HighValence LowArousal (HVLA) state of the emotion. The psychologists endeavour to bring the subjects from a negatively excited state of emotion (Low Valence High Arousal state) to a positive unexcited state of emotion (High Valence Low Arousal state). In the first part of this study, a four-class subject independent emotion classifier was developed with an SVM polynomial classifier using average Event Related Potential (ERP) and differential average ERP attributes. The visually evoked Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were acquired from 24 subjects. The four-class classification accuracy was 83% using average ERP attributes and 77% using differential average ERP attributes. In the second part of the study, the meditative intervention was applied to 20 subjects who declared themselves negatively excited (in Low Valence High Arousal state of emotion). The EEG signals were acquired before and after the meditative intervention. The four-class subject independent emotion classifier developed in Study 1 correctly classified these 20 subjects to be in a negatively excited state of emotion. After the intervention, 16 subjects self-assessed themselves to be in a positive unexcited (HVLA) state of emotion (which shows the intervention accuracy of 80%). Testing a four-class subject independent emotion classifier on the EEG data acquired after the meditative intervention validated 13 of 16 subjects in a positive unexcited state, yielding an accuracy of 81.3%.}, type={Article}, title={Transition of emotions from the negatively excited state to positive unexcited state: an ERP perspective}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123583/PDF-MASTER/a12.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mms.2022.140030}, keywords={EEG, emotion, emotion transition, arousal, valence}, }