@ARTICLE{Garad_Askar_The_2022, author={Garad, Askar and Haryono, Siswoyo and Yaya, Rizal and Pratolo, Suryo and Rahmawati, Alni}, volume={vol. 13}, number={No 2}, pages={15-30}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={This study aims to identify the impact of transformational leadership in improving the performance of employees and its impact on raising the efficiency of organizations by considering that transformational leadership is one of the successful leadership methods to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations and improve their performance. In this paper, a systematic literature review of existing international papers is used. the meta-analysis method was used to analyze the articles published in scientific journals with high evaluation indexed in Scopus. Through the analysis process, application (WordStat 8) was used to investigate articles and summarize the descriptive statistics, correlation, and cloud keywords. The results reveal the effectiveness of transformational leadership on job performance. whenever managerial leaderships possess the attributes and characteristics of a transformational leader, including positive influence, inspirational motivation, and individual consideration, the more their subordinates will have creative skills and abilities. Also, the results indicate that the leader who possesses the characteristics of a transformational leader contributes significantly to the development of the capabilities of his subordinates, which is positively reflected in the upgrading of the organization's efficiency. In this paper, we present identifiable patterns in the relationship between transformational leadership, improving employee performance, and the raising efficiency of organizations. Then we suggest emerging core topics that deserve more academic attention. This paper's added value is that it undertakes a thorough and complete assessment of the relationship between transformational leadership, boosting employee performance, and increasing organizational efficiency. It also includes a written review of the work as well as an updated reference index covering the years 2011 to 2020, making it valuable for academics and professionals alike.}, type={Article}, type={Artykuł /Article}, title={The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership, Improving Employee’s Performance and the Raising Efficiency of Organizations}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123601/PDF-MASTER/2_734_corr.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2022.142052}, keywords={Transformational Leadership, Employees Performance, Organizations Efficiency}, }