@ARTICLE{Franiel_Izabella_The_2003, author={Franiel, Izabella}, volume={vol. 29}, number={No 2}, pages={5-11}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The paper presents the results of the research whose aim was to establish the sensitivity degree of Betu/a pendula pollen, seeds and seedlings in the adverse conditions of the zinc-lead waste from "Silesia" Steelworks in Katowice. The pollen and the seeds of the birch (from the dump and unpolluted region - Mirów) were tested by taking into condition: pollen capacity and seeds germination capacity. For the pot cultures metallurgical wastes and the soil from Mirów were placed in plastic boxes. For each kind of seeds a different soil variant was applied: Dump soil, Soil from Mirów, Garden soil (control group), 8 seeds were put into each box (total number of seeds for each variant was 96). The seeds of Betu/a pendula growing on smelter waste dumps had been collected in the vicinity of the dumps. The results of the experiment showed that the soil pollution has a significant impact on generative phase of Betu/a pendula.}, type={Artykuł}, title={The Preliminary Results of the Research on the Quality of Pollen Grains, Seeds and Seedlings of Betu La Pen Dula Trees Growing on Zinc-Lead Dumping Grounds}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123727/PDF/4_AE_VOL_29_2003_Franiel_Wstepne.pdf}, keywords={Betu/a pendula, zinc dump, pollen capacity, seeds germination}, }