@ARTICLE{Nowosielski_Michał_‘We_2022, author={Nowosielski, Michał and Nowak, Witold}, volume={vol. 11}, number={No 1}, journal={Central and Eastern European Migration Review}, pages={109-124}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk, Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW}, abstract={This article describes and analyses Polish diaspora policy changes in the years 2011–2015. Two decades after the rebirth of the Polonia policy in 1989, it was completely rebuilt. Emphasising values and Poland’s obligations towards the diaspora was replaced by paying more attention to the interests and profitability of this policy. The authors demonstrate how New Public Management (NPM) concepts influenced this shift. Analysis of two different sources – documents programming Polish diaspora policy and interviews with experts and persons designing the Polonia policy – confirmed that NPM principles influenced Polish dias-pora policy on five dimensions: organisational restructuring, management instruments, budgetary reforms, participation, marketisation/privatisation.}, type={Article}, title={‘We Are Not Just Asking What Poland Can Do for the Polish Diaspora but Mainly What the Polish Diaspora Can Do for Poland’: The Influence of New Public Management on the Polish Diaspora Policy in the Years 2011–2015}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123902/PDF/Nowosielski%20Nowak%202022.pdf}, keywords={diaspora, diaspora policy, new public management, diaspora engagement, public administration}, }