@ARTICLE{Walczak_Maciej_The_2022, author={Walczak, Maciej}, volume={vol. LXXI}, number={No 2}, pages={423-436}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The article presents the context‑determinated meanings of the дурак (durak) lexem based upon the satirical sketches Well‑Meant Speeches by Mikhail Saltykov‑Shchedrin. At the beginning is the etymology of the word and then general vocabulary definitions produce four basic meanings for the word: 1. a good and honest man; 2. a person being the object of widely‑spread mockery and jibes; 3. a person unable to behave in a proper way; 4. a person unable to administer their property in a good way as well as not to live their life successfully – a lame duck, a sluggard and a drunkard. From amongst those meanings the author tries to notice the mutual parallels which interpret visions of the fool in Saltykov‑Shchedrin’s sketches as well as the contemporary vision of the Russian mentality and its folk tradition.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The дурак (Durak) Lexem in The Well-Meant Speeches by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/124303/PDF-MASTER/2022-02-SOR-12-Walczak.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2022.142187}, keywords={semantics, context, the дурак (durak) lexem, etymology, folk tradition}, }