@ARTICLE{Kupchuk_Ihor_Research_2022, author={Kupchuk, Ihor and Burlaka, Serhii and Galushchak, Alexander and Yemchyk, Tetiana and Galushchak, Dmytro and Prysiazhniuk, Yrii}, volume={vol. 25}, number={No 2}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={147-162}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i EnergiÄ… PAN}, abstract={Diesel generator engines operate in wide load modes; therefore, it is necessary to change the percentage of the mixture of diesel and biodiesel fuel depending on the operating mode of the engine; this ensures its technical performance at the required level in all operating modes, including starting and stopping the engine. This article describes an algorithm for the operation of a diesel generator and an algorithm for determining the composition of the fuel mixture. During the study, the ratio between the components of the mixture changed, taking into account the load modes of operation of the diesel generator, indicators of fuel supply and the formulation of the fuel mixture to ensure optimal values of technical and economic indicators. To assess the efficiency of the flow of working processes in a diesel cylinder, their duration was selected, which is estimated by the duration of the processes of fuel injection, evaporation and combustion. Using the dynamic regulation of the composition of the diesel and biodiesel fuel, the total fuel consumption increased by 5.9%, but the cost of purchasing the fuel is reduced by 10% (at prices as of November 2021) and by 14.6% (based on prices as of the beginning of 2022) compared to engine operation with diesel fuel. This confirms the expediency of using the dynamic adjustment of the composition of the fuel mixture. In addition, even higher economic indicators can be achieved by using an autonomous power plant with a diesel power capacity higher than the generator capacity.}, type={Article}, title={Research of autonomous generator indicators with the dynamically changing component of a two-fuel mixture}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/124624/PDF/08-Kupchuk-i-inni.pdf}, keywords={diesel fuel, biodiesel fuel, engine working processes, energy efficiency, burning time}, }