@ARTICLE{Dzida_Barbara_What_2022, author={Dzida, Barbara and Jędrejek, Tomir and Łukasik, Andrzej}, volume={tom 10}, journal={Filozofia i Nauka}, pages={97-116}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN}, publisher={Instytut filozofii UMCS}, abstract={Stanisław Lem is considered the most outstanding representative of Polish and one of the most eminent representatives of world science-fiction literature, as well as a futurologist and—at least by some—a philosopher who, in the form of novels and short stories written in the convention of science fiction and the so-called discursive prose, touched upon important philosophical problems concerning the place of man in the Universe, the effects of technological and civilisational progress and the issue of the limits of cognition. The article reconstructs and analyses the main philosophical problems presented in the work Filozoficzny Lem. Wybór tekstów Stanisława Lema i opracowania [ The Philosophical Lem. A Selection of Texts by Stanisław Lem and Studies] edited by Filip Kobiela and Jakub Gomułka.}, type={Article}, title={What Did Lem Think Over?}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/124878/PDF-MASTER/FiN-10-2022-Dzida.pdf}, keywords={Stanisław Lem, fantasy, futurology, consciousness, virtual reality, transhuanism, anthropic principle, evolution}, }