@ARTICLE{Annenkova_Olena_S._Ukrainian_2022, author={Annenkova, Olena S. and Yufereva, Olena V.}, volume={vol. LXXI}, number={No 3}, pages={487-507}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The article is devoted to travelogues written by Ivan Kovtun and Ivan Mikitenko, poorly researched authors of Ukrainian literature, representatives of the phenomenon of the Executed Renaissance. The article aims to identify the key features of the Ukrainian travelogue that were formed during 1924-1925 years within the joint Soviet literature process. The analyzed texts represent two main themes of travel literature of 1920s: the ‘own’ space of Soviet republics and ‘other’ space of foreign, bourgeois countries. Despite inheriting ideological rhetoric and the main tendencies of the Soviet travelogue, the position of an ‘author of proletarian literature’ doubles and deepens regarding the narrator’s hypostasis as a Ukrainian writer. Ukrainian discourse (Ukrainian land, language, culture, literature) is set on both – the personal and literary – levels, particularly it occurs in specific sensitivities about one’s ‘own’ and ‘other’ space.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Ukrainian Soviet Travelogue through the Canon of Socialist Realism (Based on Winged Raid by Ivan Kovtun and Pigeons of Peace. Travel Abroad by Ivan Mikitenko)}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/125269/PDF/2022-03-SOR-03.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2022.142775}, keywords={Ivan Kovtun and Ivan Mikitenko, travelogue, socialist realism, proletarian discourse, the Executed Renaissance}, }