@ARTICLE{Szumowski_Andrzej_Active, author={Szumowski, Andrzej and Litwińczyk, Mieczysław}, volume={vol. 48}, number={No 3}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, pages={265-275}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, abstract={A helicopter blade tip vortex generates impulsive noise of high intensity when it impinges upon the following blade. In the present work, the vortex is attenuated by coaxial swirling jet rotating in the opposite direction. The jet issues from a nozzle located at the blade tip. The nozzle was supplied with compressed air transported in the blade channel. The decrement of vortex strength is measured as a function of the compressed air pressure related to the dynamic pressure of the flow in the wind tunnel. It was found that the jet, even of relatively low intensity, considerably effects the blade tip vortex formation.}, type={Article}, title={Active control of tip vortex shedding}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/125325/PDF/7_MECHANICAL_48_2001_3_Szumowski_Active_control.pdf}, keywords={tip vortex, blade-vortex interaction}, }