@ARTICLE{Migdał_Karolina_Assessment_2022, author={Migdał, Karolina and Operacz, Agnieszka and Vaskina, Iryna and Śliz, Paulina and Tavares, Jorge and Almeida, Adelaide and Migdał, Michał}, number={Special Issue}, pages={80-90}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The aim of the study was to model the operation of a wastewater treatment plant using the Monte Carlo method and selected probability distributions of random variables. Pollutant indices in treated wastewater were analysed, such as: biological oxygen demand ( BOD 5), chemical oxygen demand ( COD Cr), total suspended solids ( TSS), total nitrogen (N tot), total phosphorus (P tot). The preliminary analysis of pollution indicators series included the: calculation of descriptive statistics and assessment of biological degradability of wastewater. The consistency of the theoretical distributions with the empirical ones was assessed using Anderson–Darling statistics. The best-fitting statistical distributions were selected using the percent bias criterion. Based on the calculations performed, it was found that the analysed indicators of pollution in treated wastewater were characterised by an average variability of composition for BOD 5, COD Cr and TSS, and a high variability of composition for N tot and P tot. The best fitted distribution was log-normal for BOD 5, TSS, N tot and P tot and general extreme values for COD Cr. The simulation carried out using the Monte-Carlo method confirmed that there may be problems associated with the reduction of nutrients (N tot and P tot) the analysed wastewater treatment plant. Results of values obtained of the risk values of negative control of wastewater treatment plant operation for biogenic compounds, different from 1, indicate that the number of exceedances at the outflow may be higher than the acceptable one.}, type={Article}, title={Assessment of the reliability of the operation of a sewage treatment plant using Monte Carlo simulation}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/125891/PDF/2022-05-JWLD-09.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2022.143723}, keywords={efficiency, mathematical simulation, Monte Carlo simulation, pollution indicators, probability distribution, sewage treatment plant}, }