@ARTICLE{Dwulat_R._Influence_2023, author={Dwulat, R. and Janerka, K. and Grzesiak, K. and Gałuszka, M.}, volume={vol. 23}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, pages={66-71}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The article presents the influence of the percentage share of pig iron and steel scrap on the chemical composition, physicochemical and mechanical properties. Using an induction furnace, 6 melts were carried out with a variable amount of pig iron in the charge from 0 to 50%. For carburizing, a RANCO 9905 carburizer with a carbon content of 99.2% was used. After melting and introducing FeSi75, temperature measurement was carried out and the metal was superheated to 1500°C. The next step was to pour the samples for chemical analysis, DTA (Derivation Thermal Analysis) and strength and hardness from the melting furnace without inoculation. The last step was to carry out the inoculation by introducing 0.3% barium inoculant into the vat and pouring samplers for DTA analysis. The inoculation was carried out solely to determine changes in DTA parameters, mainly Temin, compared to castings without inoculation.}, type={Article}, title={Influence of Charge Materials on the Metallurgical Quality of Gray Cast Iron}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/127177/PDF/AFE%202_2023_10.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2023.144297}, keywords={Gray cast iron, Thermal analysis, Cast iron properties, Charge materials, Cast iron inoculation}, }