@ARTICLE{Ajayi_Oluibukun_Gbenga_Performance_2023, author={Ajayi, Oluibukun Gbenga and Ogundele, Bolaji Saheed and Aleji, Gideon Abidemi}, volume={vol. 72}, number={No 1}, pages={article no. e39}, journal={Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={The aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of four UAV image processing software for the automatic estimation of volumes based on estimated volume accuracy, spatial accuracy, and execution time, with and without Ground Control Points (GCPs). A total of 52 images of a building were captured using a DJI Mavic Air UAV at 60m altitude and 80% forward and side overlap. The dataset was processed with and without GCPs using Pix4DMapper, Agisoft Metashape Pro, Reality Capture, and 3DF Zephyr. The UAV-based estimated volume generated from the software was compared with the true volume of the building generated from its as-built 3D building information modeled in Revit 2018 environment. The resulting percentage difference was computed. The average volumes estimated from the four software with the use of GCPs were 4757.448 m3 (3.87%), 4728.1 m3 (2.54%), 4291.561 m3 (11.5%), and 4154.938 m3 (14.35%), respectively. Similarly, when GCPs were not used for the image processing, average volumes of 4631.385 m3 (4.52%), 4773.025 m3 (1.6%), 4617.899 m3 (4.89%), and 4420.403 m3 (8.92%) were obtained in the same order. In addition to the volume estimation analysis, other parameters, including execution time, positional RMSE, and spatial resolution, were evaluated. Based on these parameters, Agisoft Metashape Pro proved to be more accurate, time-efficient, and reliable for volumetric estimations from UAV images compared to the other investigated software. The findings of this study can guide decision-making in selecting the appropriate software for UAV-based volume estimation in different applications.}, type={Article}, title={Performance evaluation of different selected UAV image processing software on building volume estimation}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/127691/PDF/art-e39_internet.pdf}, doi={10.24425/agg.2023.144591}, keywords={Building Information Modelling, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), UAV mapping, 3D modelling, image processing software}, }