@ARTICLE{Sitko_Jacek_Assessment_2023, author={Sitko, Jacek}, volume={vol. 23}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, pages={145-150}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Metallurgical slags are an object of the increasing interest in terms of the possibility of their utilization, especially as materials used in the construction and road building industries, in the foundry industry for refining and purifying liquid alloys, the production of abrasives for surface treatment of remanufactured machine parts, as mine backfill materials. Metallurgical slags, in order to be used in foundry processes, should be characterized by the stability of the chemical composition. This paper presents the results of statistical analysis calculations, in which using a specific group f samples, knowing their chemical composition, the mean value Ā, variance Ϭ2, standard deviation Ϭ and the classical coefficient of variation V were determined. The research and its results report the amount of variation in considered components of the slags.}, type={Article}, title={Assessment of Stability the Chemical Composition of Slags}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/127786/PDF-MASTER/AFE%202_2023_20_final%20version.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2023.144307}, keywords={slag, chemical composition, Mean, Variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation}, }