@ARTICLE{Mastej_Ks._Jacenty_Elements_2023, author={Mastej, Ks. Jacenty}, volume={Tom 18}, pages={93-111}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={The aim of the study is to show the essential elements of theological anthropology contained in the scientific work of Fr prof. Marian Rusecki. The problem is presented and resolved in five points. The following issues were presented in turn: man created by God (1); the Christ dimension of the human person (2); Homo Paschalis (3); the anthropogenic dimension of Christianity (4) and showing the meaning of life as a task for fundamental theology (5). Rusecki’s constitutive belief, which is the core of the above anthropological themes, is that understanding the mystery of man is possible only through divine Revelation. The definitive truth about man has its source and explanation in the Logos, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Therefore, the professor’s anthropology can be described as theological, Christocentric and ecclesiological. Particularly interesting are the elements of paschal anthropology, in which the issue of homo Paschalis was highlighted. Rusecki’s postulate that fundamental theology even more clearly undertakes to study the issue of the meaning of life, which is crucial for man, is also reasonable.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Elements of theological anthropology in the scientific work of Fr prof. Marian Rusecki}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/128903/PDF-MASTER/05_MASTEJ_146523_do%20publikacji.pdf}, doi={10.24425/snt.2023.146523}, keywords={Jesus Christ, creation, man, theological anthropology, homo Paschalis, Christianity, meaning of life, fundamental theology, Marian Rusecki}, }