@ARTICLE{Nikolayenko_Larysa_Empathic_2023, author={Nikolayenko, Larysa}, volume={vol. LXXII}, number={No 3}, pages={615-630}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The article carries out a linguo‑axiological analysis of the representation of empathic joy and Schadenfreude in the Ukrainian language picture of the world. Malicious joy has a positive hedonistic assessment, but a negative moral one. To designate malicious joy in the Ukrainian language, the nouns злорадство, злорадість, зловтіха, the phrases злобна ( зла, злісна) радість, зла ( злісна) втіха and the verbs зловтішатися, злорадіти, тішитися, радіти are employed. As the analysis of the material has shown, the negative nature of Schadenfreude in the Ukrainian language can be reflected by contrasting it with the constructive emotion of compassion, as well as by using anthropomorphic and zoomorphic metaphors. Empathic joy has positive moral and hedonistic evaluations. The description of the experience of empathic joy in the Ukrainian language is carried out with the help of the lexemes радість, радий, радіти, тішитися, which function in several structural and grammatical models presented in the article. The representation of the positive nature of empathic joy in the analyzed texts is carried out, in particular, by contrasting it with the destructive emotion of envy.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Empathic and Malicious Joy in the Ukrainian Language Picture of the World (The Linguo-Axiological Aspect)}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/129499/PDF/2023-02-SOR-12.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2023.147523}, keywords={empathic joy, Schadenfreude, hedonistic and moral assessments, verbalization of emotions, linguo‑axiological analysis}, }