@ARTICLE{Saglam_Aykut_Knock-Out_2023, author={Saglam, Aykut and Sezgın Muslu, Asıye and Altuntas, Cansu and Demıralay, Mehmet and Kadıoglu, Asım}, volume={Vol. 65}, number={No 2}, journal={Acta Biologica Cracoviensia s. Botanica}, pages={6521}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Biological Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Cracow Branch}, abstract={The role of catalase in resistance to boron toxicity after melatonin application (MEL) was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Col-0 and cat2-2 plants were exposed to 50 μM MEL followed by boron toxicity (BT) in a medium containing 10 mM H 3BO 3. Pigment loss and accordingly chlorosis were reduced by melatonin under BT conditions, while they were more prominent in cat2-2 mutants. Moreover, TBARS and H 2O 2 contents, which increased due to BT, decreased as a result of melatonin application and the levels of these parameters in cat2-2 mutants were higher than the values in Col-0. Antioxidant enzyme activity of SOD and SOD1 gen transcript were induced by MEL under BT. Conversely, APX4, PER10 and CAT1 transcripts were down-regulated by MEL under BT. In addition, antioxidant enzyme activities and their transcript levels were lower than those of Col-0. Thus, we suggested that MEL scavenged ROS directly under BT. Melatonin also reduced the accumulation of boric acid in leaf tissues of Col-0, but not cat2-2. Finally, even though melatonin application provided a degree of endurance, the cat2 mutation resulted in increased sensitivity to BT.}, type={Article}, title={Knock-Out Mutatıon of Cat2 Drastıcally Reduced The Melatonın-Medıated Resıstance to Boron Toxıcıty in Arabıdopsıs thalıana}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/130193/PDF/2023-02-ABC-01--czyste--.pdf}, doi={10.24425/abcsb.2023.145595}, keywords={Arabidopsis, boron toxicity, catalase, chlorosis, melatonin}, }