@ARTICLE{Sadło_Stanisław_Dietary_2003, author={Sadło, Stanisław}, volume={vol. 43}, number={No 1}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={25-32}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={In 2001, a total of 2125 samples of plant origin were analysed for residues of the most commonly used pesticides in Poland. Detectable residues were found in 18% of the samples, while in about 0.9% of the samples the residues exceeded national or/and EU harmonised Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). The long-term (chronic) dietary intake, based on monitoring data, was calculated for 7 pesticides in 9 commodities. The intake of 1 of the pesticide analysed (endosulfan/black currant combination) exceeded 1 % of Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) indicating a sufficient margin of safety for the adult consumer. The short-term (acute) intake was estimated for 19 pesticides in 12 commodities according to the European Commission recommendations. The ADI level was exceeded for toddlers in 7 cases, carbendazim in mushroom, linuron in carrot, chlorothalonil in greenhouse tomato, tolylfluanid and EBDC in strawberry and flusilazole and diazinon in apple. In all cases, however, the safety factor of 2 for a toddler still existed.}, type={Article}, title={Dietary intake of pesticide residue by Polish consumers during 2001}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/130672/PDF-MASTER/7_JOURNAL_OF_PLANT_PROTECTION_RESEARCH_43_1_2003_Sadlo_Dietary.pdf}, keywords={fruits, vegetables, pesticide residues, monitoring}, }