@ARTICLE{Gołębiewska_Hanna_The_2003, author={Gołębiewska, Hanna and Rola, Henryka}, volume={vol. 43}, number={No 3}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={219-224}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={Zea mays originate from warm and tropical region of the world and needs high sum of effective temperature throughout vegetative period. On the Polish market varieties of maize differ in early maturing, provenance and temperature requirements. The foreign varieties react stronger to the sulfonylurea herbicides (nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron, foramsulfuron + jodosulfuron) than Polish maize varieties under unfavorable weather conditions. The trials were conducted in field conditions using 8 maize varieties. The aim of this experiment was evaluation of the influence of sulfonylurea herbicides on foreign and Polish varieties of maize under different weather conditions. The reaction of foreign maize varieties on herbicides was compared with reaction of Polish maize varieties in the years 2001-2002. Four early maturing varieties of maize were testing: AVENUE (FAO 220)-FR, JANNA (FAO 190)-USA, WIARUS (FAO 220)-PL, FIDO (FAO 220)-PL. It was proved that Polish maize varieties showed a higher toleration towards sulfonylurea herbicides. The later maturing varieties KRÓL (FAO 280)-PL, IMAN (FAO 300)-PL, KANZLER (FAO 300)-FR, MAGISTER (FAO 280)-CH responded in a similar way. In 2002 there were no differences in plant development between foreign and Polish maize varieties.}, type={Article}, title={The influence of weather conditions on selectivity of sulfonylourea herbicides to the selected maize varieties}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/130887/PDF/6_PLANT_43_3_2003_Golebiowska_The_Influence.pdf}, keywords={Polish maize varieties, foreign maize varieties, reaction of maize varietieson herbicides, sulfonylurea herbicides}, }